▻ Institucional Dialogues
Restricted Area
Área Restrita [Restricted Area] was a work in situ at the Museum of Modern Art in São Paulo, done in collaboration with the librarians at its Library Paulo Mendes de Almeida. The history of the library and the museum is tied to one librarian, who has been working at the institution. Responsible for the documents and books collection since its beginning, Maria Rossi is a legendary figure, the one who knows most about the history of the museum.
Four sound pieces were edited from recorded conversations with her. In one of them Rossi describes her work as archivist, when she narrates the constitution of the library and the museum. In a second piece she describes the contents in the shelves and the collected materials. In another track she adopts a curatorial tone, making a spontaneous announcement of what she expects the exhibition to be, in a call for the public to attend the installation Área Restrita and the library space.
A fourth sound piece was installed amongst the library shelves. An edition of Maria interjections, such as self-censorship, laughs, indications of suspense and surprises, with parts where she asks not to be quoted, are played without its context and facts. This polyphonic piece was placed in an area named “restricted area”, where private dossiers of a director are kept, indicating the tension between private and public at the place.
A floor plan was designed by another librarian, Léia Catoni, especially for the project. It announces the contents collected and available for public consultation in a design applied in the wall. A handout/ flyer about the history of the library and the intervention were made available.
[2009] Multimedia installation, 15-meters long, with structure/ floor plan in paint and vinyl on wall, three audio-documentaries, three headphones, handouts. Sound pieces: "Biografia" [4’42”]; "Projeto Parede" [32”]; "Questões: Informações" [2’]. At the library Paulo Mendes de Almeida: "Area Restrita" [polyphonic piece in four loudspeakers in shelves 2’]; Visita Guiada [sound installation with earphones and signalling, 4’30”]. Audios in collaboration with Jalver Bethônico.