Mabe Bethônico: Documents
[Making Public The Construction Of Memory]
Curatorial/ Editorial Projects
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This book is organised by the artist and edited in collaboration with curator and researcher Ana Pato, author of the preface. The volume has three unpublished new texts by Anselm Jappe, Joerg Bader and Gabriel Ferreira Zacarias, together with other materials, chosen and classified. Amongst these are essays from curators, critics and the artist, institutional texts and diagrams that form or organise her production. Ana Pato calls attention to the strategy of elaborating the publication, which converge to the idea of archiving. The book includes a folded cover/ poster with photographs on one side and a map of museumuseu in its interior, an insert brings the diagrams of The Collector and Men and the Winds.
The volume presents works dealing with construction of information and narrations from archives and collections, and those works dealing with questions of mineral exploitation, observing workers, minerals and their representation in institutions. Jappe says, “it is not about visually integrating what is invisible in the official culture, but to open discussion about what is not visible in the collective memory”. The concept of archive in the works is discussed by Gabriel Zacarias, Brazilian professor of Art History in São Paulo. He notes “from archival operations she turns to art institutions, deviating the institutional discourse beyond its usual frame, originating counter-narratives and establishing other meanings for places of memory.” For Joerg Bader, director of the Centre de la Photographie Genève, Mabe’s resorting to archives is “a way to avoid the constant oblivion produced by cognitive capitalism, which affects human consciousness to such an extent that amnesia becomes the hidden engine of contemporary culture”.
[2017–18] Mabe Bethônico: Documents: Making Public the Construction of Memory
Organisation and edition: Ana Pato and Mabe Bethônico.
Edition: Videobrasil, with support of Lei Municipal de Incentivo à Cultura de Belo Horizonte.
Design: Elaine Ramos
Preface: Ana Pato.
Documents by various authors and the artist, new texts by Anselm Jappe, Joerg Bader and Gabriel Ferreira Zacarias.
176 pages.
Volume in Portuguese: ISBN 9788599277126
Volume in English: ISBN: 9788599277119